Printed ribbons

All ribbons produced from polyester are able to be printed. In our offer of printed ribbons you can find ribbons, that are yearly in stock and are available in given lengths. This is a basic range of printed ribbons for the funeral and for decorative purposes.

Other printed, custom-made ribbons you can find in the subcategory „Other decorating ribbons“. News of printed ribbons can be found in the "Season Collections".         


117 236 06 H
117 236 06 H
Taffeta ribbon with printing art. 117 236 in 06mm is made of polyester yarns and currently…
117 236 09 K
117 236 09 K
Taffeta ribbon with printing art. 117 236 in 09mm is made of polyester yarns and currently…
117 236 09 P
117 236 09 P
Taffeta ribbon with printing art. 117 236 in 09mm is made of polyester yarns and currently…
117 236 09 V
117 236 09 V
Printed taffeta ribbon „VZPOMÍNÁME“ on art. 117 236 is offering  in width 09mm only in one colour…
117 236 25 K
117 236 25 K
Taffeta ribbon with printing art. 117 236 in 25mm is made of polyester yarns and currently…
117 236 25P
117 236 25P
Printed taffeta ribbon „POINTS“ on art. 117 236 is offering  in width 25mm in colour combinations…
117 239 20V
117 239 20V
Printed taffeta ribbon „VZPOMÍNÁME“ on art. 117 239 is offering in width 20mm. The ribbon has…
117 384 15T
117 384 15T
Decorative ribbon with printing art. 117 384 in 15mm is made of polyester yarns with wired edges…
117 384 25H
117 384 25H
Decorative ribbon with printing art. 117 384 in 25mm is made of polyester yarns with wired edges…
117 384 25K
117 384 25K
Decorative ribbon with printing art. 117 384 in 25mm is made of polyester yarns with wired edges…
117 384 25Z
117 384 25Z
Decorative ribbon with printing art. 117 384 in 25mm is made of polyester yarns with wired edges…
117 402 25H
117 402 25H
Printed metalloplastic ribbon with fishline in edges art. 117 402 in 25mm is made of polyester…
127 305 15K
127 305 15K
Decorative ribbon in rep weaving with printing art. 127 305 in 15mm is made of polyester yarns and…
127 305 25M
127 305 25M
Decorative ribbon in rep weaving with printing art. 127 305 in 25mm is made of polyester yarns and…
127 305 25P
127 305 25P
Decorative ribbon in rep weaving with printing art. 127 305 in 25mm is made of polyester yarns and…
127 308 15D
127 308 15D
Decorative ribbon in rep weaving with printing and metalloplastic edges  art. 127 308 in 15mm is…
131 239 11S
131 239 11S
Decorative ribbon with printing art. 131 239 in 11mm is made of cotton yarns and currently…
147 370 05P
147 370 05P
Printed satin ribbon „POINTS“ on art. 147 370 in 05mm is offering in colour combinations according…
147 370 10H
147 370 10H
Doubleface satin ribbon with printing art. 147 370 in 10mm is made of polyester yarns and…
147 370 15D
147 370 15D
Doubleface satin ribbon with printing art. 147 370 in 15mm is made of polyester yarns and…
147 370 15H
147 370 15H
Doubleface satin ribbon with printing art. 147 370 in 15mm is made of polyester yarns and…
147 370 15K
147 370 15K
Doubleface satin ribbon with printing art. 147 370 in 15mm is made of polyester yarns and…
147 370 15P
147 370 15P
Printed satin ribbon „POINTS“ on art. 147 370 is offering  in width 15mm in colour combinations…
147 370 15V
147 370 15V
Doubleface satin ribbon with printing art. 147 370 in 15mm is made of polyester yarns and…


STUHA a.s.
Radima Drejsla 93
518 01 Dobruška

GPS: 50°17'26.971"N 16°9'17.461"E